
"I'm happy that people took the time, energy and money to provide working men and women with a daily dose of chizuk to keep the kedushah at work. This is so crucial. While most really know the halachas, we sometimes forget that yichud etc. is halacha and not just a nice concept.. Thank you so much.
Hashem should give you a lot of siyata dishmaya, I'm looking forward to having it in my inbox daily..."

- Monsey N.Y.
"Thank you so much for these emails! You raised my awareness of just how careful we need to be in the workplace and everywhere to maintain proper boundaries. I really appreciate it! Looking forward to continuing

- Cleveland, OH

I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the daily emails. After a few weeks of being in my office, I felt that I needed some hadracha to keep going. I spoke to a teacher, and shortly after that I met a girl a year older than me who mentioned to me about these emails. They are so convenient, practical and so helpful. 
Hashem should bentch all those who made this happen with bracha and hatzlacha, and the Siyata Dishmaya to keep doing things to benefit the klal.

- R. L. New York


The daily halacha program has already reached:
Airmont, Antwerp, Atlanta, Australia, Baltimore, Beit Shemesh, Bloomingburg, Bnei Brak, Boisbriand, Brooklyn, Cedarhurst, Chester, Chicago, Cleveland, Convey Island, Dallas, Davos, Detroit, Denver, Far Rockaway, Foxboro, Gateshead, Hackensack, Hazor Haglilit, Highland Mills, Jackson, Jerusalem, Johannesburg, Karnei Shomron, Kew Gardens Hills, Kiamesha Lake, Kiryas Joel, Lakewood, London, Los Angeles, Manchester, Monroe, Monsey, Montreal, North York, Outremont, Panama, Passaic, Pearl River, Philadelphia, Providence, Richmond Hill, Salford, Saratoga Springs, Spring Valley, Stanmore, Staten Island, Suffern, Syosset, Teaneck, Toms River, Toronto, Vienna, West Palm Beach, Williamsburg, Woodmere, Zurich.
